"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Monday, June 23, 2008

Live as Christians

"Beloved Christians, you and your children shall appear at that Judgment of Christ, and you shall give account for them to the just Judge. He will not ask you whether you have taught your children the arts or whether you have taught them to speak French, or German, or Italian, but whether you have taught them to live as Christians." -- St. Tikhon of Zadonsk


::Sylvia:: said...

Wow, that's so weird that you posted this quote today! I have a book where I record my favorite quotes and every now and then I'll write one down and post it on the fridge. This is the one I picked today! I haven't blog hopped in awhile either and today I'm checking in with everyone! God works in mysterious ways, maybe I should pay EXTRA special attention to this piece of advice!!

Molly Sabourin said...

This is a REALLY great quote for parents. Thanks for posting it!