"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"Blessed are you, O Christ our God..."

Recently, FDR wrote on his blog about me, a tribute far too magnanimous.

Therefore, on this Father's day, I am especially reflective when it comes to dear hubby, this incredible father to our 4 beautiful children.

He is kind & gentle, not the gentle where he can't do a man's day work (you should have seen him carry all the boxes for the yard sale -- extremely impressive), but that he thinks before he speaks, is careful with his delivery and expresses himself with such diplomacy, one wonders if he is ever affected by negativity. I believe he lets it fall to the wayside.

He is patient -- so very patient with me and the children -- we love him so tenderly and with much enthusiasm. FDR is somewhat of an introvert while he is introspective with his thoughts on life, people & the world around him. He is a voracious reader. I read some, where as, he'll have 3-4 books at a time - reabsorbing a book for a third read. FDR has a humble spirituality while he strives to do "ONLY God's will".

He is the kind of husband and father that graciously allows for our happiness and comfort over his own. FDR makes me feel alive with his desire to travel, his reading, and his intensity in discussing world views, as well as, a current Yankee game, which is one of his most favorite of favorites -- Baseball! Hmm... maybe a cigar with a good warm Guinness. But always with me, right dear? Just say "right dear". He is my best friend.

In this celebration of Pentecost, given to us by our Lord through the gift of the Holy Spirit, it is no wonder that through our marriage and in raising the children, that I (we) feel so alive! Capable only because of His love giving us life...
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt. 8:20).

"The Church into one body, the Body of Christ animated by the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Spirit, the apostles are united, but not confused, for each keeps his own identity and diversity. They are the image of God, Trinity-Unity, the three persons always united but never confused. In the same way the apostles are united, but they are all different. The miracle of tongues received personally by each apostle, each speaking a different language, is the miracle of perfect unity in variety. It is like an orchestra playing a symphony: the most diverse instruments are attuned to produce a single sound." (The Incarnate God - The Feasts of Jesus Christ & the Virgin Mary, Vol.II/SVS Press).
As St. Seraphim of Sarov said "The goal of the Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit"
I observe this very entity within my husband. Yet, audacious but permissible since the day of Pentecost. I am thankful that my husband, this adored father, abides in the guiding of the Holy Spirit to Lead our Family.

A Blessed Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Blessed Pentecost!
"...O Lover of man, glory to you!"


Molly Sabourin said...

Oh my, how beautiful! Those are way better sentiments than the ones I found in the Father's Day cards at our local drug store! Your husband sounds like a real keeper!!

::Sylvia:: said...

How beautiful! These are the things we must remind ourselves of when they're on the naughty list :)

Unknown said...

Wow, he sounds like a neat guy! I hope I get to meet him some day!

Kelleylynn said...

Indeed, FDR is a keeper. He said that I built him up too high and now needs to live up to this reputation. He blushed...

There are times he does end up on the naughty list.

Fr. James,
Thanks for stopping by. I've seen your comments on FDR's blog and also read your conversion story - wonderful! God is good -- all the time!
"Neat" he is not - he is a pack-rat! He'd tell you so. I think this move is teaching and stretching us both. It is good.
God-willing, you will meet -- we like Texas.