"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Review: The Life of Saint Brigid

"In ancient days a little girl was born..."

One MUST meet St. Brigid: Abbess of Kildare. After reading this book, my family is encouraged and strengthened by her life. St. Brigid loved purely as Christ commanded us to, shared all that she had (and what others had as well). A true sense of "Robin Hood" offering all unto the Lord:
"O God, bless my pantry! Pantry which the Lord hasblessed. Mary's
son, my friend, come and bless my pantry"

Along with my children, we remain entranced with Jane G Meyer's simple beautiful language and caught up in the inspiring illustrations by Zachary Lynch.

Musical to the ears, just the way an ancient Celtic tale should be heard. A feast to the eyes with all it's Celtic splendor!

"Momma, read it again...if we have a baby girl, we really should name her Brigid!" Hmm...

Saint Brigid, pray unto God for us!

P.S. with gratitude to Jane for writing about St. Brigid, sending us a copy, trusting me with a review...May God grant you many years AND many more books!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the review, Kelleylynn! I am looking forward to getting it for my kiddos.

h west said...

You're another lucky one to receive this book! I'm jealous. One of our daughters is 'Brigid'. Where do I sign on to get the free books?!?!?!

Mimi said...

I agree, you should name the newest little one (if it is a girl) Brigid!

I loved the pantry blessing too.

Pres. Kathy said...

Thanks for the review.

Anonymous said...

Great review, Kelleylynn! I love that book (and its author)!

GretchenJoanna said...

We just got several copies of that book in our church bookstore, and they all sold at our festival last weekend before I even looked inside the cover!