"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Time is short, and it is unknown when it will expire.
Therefore, let us struggle and be careful and expel every evil thought with
anger and fervent prayer. And if we shed tears, we shall benefit greatly,
for tears cleanse the soul and make it whiter than snow. Let us stand
ready for battle courageously, for we wrestle against the powers of darkness, which never make allies and never lessen their attacks. Therefore, let us rouse ourselves and not be drowsy, for our eternal life is at stake. If we lose the victory, we have lost our soul, have utterly lost eternal rest and joy in God, and have condemned ourselves to the second death, which is eternal separation from God-may this not come to pass

Elder Ephraim of the Holy Mountain


Pres. Kathy said...

Thanks for the beautiful quote! I needed it!

Prisca: said...

YOu havea how much I needed to read this today...


Malene said...

Kelly, your blog has been so encouraging to me this evening....I didn't know you had one!! I feel like I'm starting to find myself again here after the crazy transition of moving out here & your words & shared quotes have been like a warm blanket. THANKS!

Scorpionlaw said...

Hi Kelly,
We finally remembered your Blog's name....Figures, my memory is starting to fail me now as well...lol...We hope all is well with you all! And, by the way, that is a great family picture! Well if you haven't guessed who we are here's a hint...We live at 2848 Lewiston Rd...HI!!!!! Anyway, please stay in touch and let us know how things are going...My email is:krlawson248@verizon.net...
May God continue to richly bless your lives!

Keith and Kim

Scorpionlaw said...

Hi Kelly,
We finally remembered your blog's name..Figures, now my memory is failing me as well...lol...Hope all is well with you all...That is a wonderful family picture! If you haven't guessed who this is, it's Keith and Kim from 2848 Lewiston Rd...Please keep in touch and let us know how you all are doing...My email is krlawson248@verizon.net..

May God richly bless you all!

Keith and Kim