"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Handel's Messiah

In a beautiful, although insanely buzzing, wintery city accompanied by my husband and our dearest friend, Monk Christopher, we ventured into slushy Manhattan, to attend the New York Philharmonic presentation of Handel's Messiah held at the Lincoln Center.

After trying desperately to hale a cab from the Grand Central Station area, we decided to weave in and around the crowded-wet streets toward our destination. This lasted about 6 blocks and Thank God we were able to hale a cab. We almost hopped into an unmarked cab that wanted $25.00 to the Lincoln Center...needless to say, a rip off for the desperate dodging the snowy wet rain. We made it, in spite of, directional disagreements among hubby and me, the trek through the puddled streets, and the white-knuckled cab ride, all with time to spare.

While absorbing breathtaking music and charismatic conducting I was delighted in the whimsical-intoxicating atmosphere where warmth and peaceful comfort filled my soul from the joy of Good company!
I love Handel's Messiah with each Libretto broken into three parts: Jesus Christ's Birth, His Death and Resurrection http://gfhandel.org/messiahlibretto.htm
Only 5 more days until Christmas and I have yet to bake. The snow has fallen, so for now, the kids beckon for hot chocolate...

1 comment:

Molly Sabourin said...

Ooh, how wonderful(besides the commute)! I LOVE Handel's Messiah and appreciate you playing it for us on your blog.