"O Father, light up the small duties of this day's life: May they shine with the beauty of Your countenance. May we believe that glory can dwell in the most common task of every day."

Blessed Augustine of Hippo

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Making the transition...

I know, I know... I need to update our move before I lose the few faithful that visit. Thanks for your patience and prayers.

Well, there are still half opened scattered boxes in each room. The photo above is from moving in day 2 weeks ago. Hey, I never claimed to be the uber-super unpacking mom. It is harder to focus on what and where everything should go now that the kids are back with us. Not that that is a horrible thing; I just simply find it difficult to remain focused on a project. I can't imagine why?

Community living is an adjustment for this "ex-home owner" and I guarantee it will offer many high points, as well as, the moments to keep the apartment door locked with the "Do not Disturb, please" sign dangling from the door knob.

The families and couples (haven't met the single seminarians yet - not here till next week) are encouraging in their frankness of seminary life and graciously offer advice, guidance, rides to IKEA, Target, mapping out Trader Joe's directions, local farmer's market and many play-mates for the children. As a matter of fact, I think one day I had 10 very energetic girls stuffed into Hannah's and MK's room. Luke has a friend that he is obsessed with and literally demands to spend every waking moment with him.

Each Thursday, at least for the summer months, is a shared potluck -- need I say more? Alleluia! One semi-thinking brain cell rescued from oblivion land of "what to make and then clean up" for dinner. The fellowship shared is a wonderful time.

I miss my chute...
The dreaded laundry dilemma, which is probably one of the biggest concerns to many moms, is a shared room, just outside our door. Thank God for small graces. Wait! it gets better -- it is coin operated! Sadly, we figured doing 2 loads a day, like I did in the previous residence, 5 days a week, will more than pay for a "BMW" style washer & dryer in the next 3 years. Me thinks we need to start wearing one outfit per week or none at all. No, that won't go over well. Try telling this to fashion diva, a.k.a. Hannah. Yeah right and Mr. C & Luke will never ever roll, jump, or run in the mud, including MK who delights in her insect finding and dirt baking skills. Her speciality in, but of course, worm-pies.

On a good note: the apartment is nice with a spacious patio overlooking a quaint lake full of ducks, swans, frogs, and peaceful late summer night-time sounds of the crickets. We lived on a busy street in Niagara Falls and this is a bonus to our transition. We no longer hear nor feel the vibration of car stereos...what a relief.

We walk to church, to get the mail, and to throw out the trash (Colin's job). I can even order my groceries on-line -- how cool is that? So, we save on gas and I at least hope that this will contribute to shedding some unwanted pounds, for most of the walking requires one to walk uphill.

May God give me (us) continued strength in transitioning, as we learn, grow, forgive, and love as Christ first loved us.


Susan Sophia said...

Thank you for sharing!!
What an amazing opportunity to be part of an Orthodox "intentional" community. I'd give anything to have 5+ other Orthodox families within walking distance (or at least biking) with children my children can play with. That is so cool!!!
I have this unrealistic dream of an intentional community some day but hmmmmm, maybe we should just go to seminary. Oh yeah, forgot, I can't take my goats and chickens. :)

Molly Sabourin said...

Well Kelleylynn,

That sounds downright pleasant! I'm sure there will be downsides (as there is in everything) but a few years of sharing your lives with fellow seminarian couples and their children, could turn out to be a very precious and strengthening experience. Thank you so much for keeping us updated and putting up some photos! I used to order groceries on-line in Chicago from time to time...I loved it!!

h west said...

Love the stormtrooper helmet! Glad you're getting settled. It, actually, sounds kind of nice.

Kelleylynn said...

On the helmet, which was a going away present from a friend to Luke, who cannot live without it. He is a "Dormdrooper", as he calls it...too cute!
Yes, it is actually very nice here.

Gina said...

I admit I'm so jealous!!!

BTW this area is where I would go to get out of New York when I needed a sanity break, so I'm nostalgic about it.